Dagens Industri: Pioneering Digital Frontiers with Prenly

Discover how Textalk is aiding Dagens Industri, Sweden's premier business newspaper, in delivering a seamless digital reading experience with the Prenly platform, while maintaining its traditional print edition. Dive into the story of our collaboration and its impact on the newspaper's digital transformation journey.

Read Dagens Industri in Prenly

We at Textalk are excited to shed light on our partnership with Dagens Industri (Di), the top-tier Swedish business-focused newspaper. Dagens Industri, part of the Bonnier Group and founded in 1976, has cemented its place as a major influencer in the field of finance and economics, with a circulation of over 100,000 and a reach extending to 322,000 readers as of 2017.

With an initial focus on technology in its early years, Dagens Industri transitioned to become a dedicated business newspaper in 1983, focusing on companies and the stock market. This pivot marked the start of a significant increase in circulation and reader base, both of which have seen continual growth since.

When it comes to delivering content in a digital age, Dagens Industri has demonstrated innovation and resilience. Its digital platform, di.se, launched in 1994, quickly gained traction and now boasts 794,989 unique visitors per week as of early 2015.

Di.se has been crowned "Best Economic Site" annually between 1999 and 2017, by PR agency Hallvarsson & Halvarsson, research firm Svensk Image, and IR company Financial Hearings, highlighting its impact and credibility in the digital realm.

Now, in its latest pursuit to engage with the modern audience, Dagens Industri has chosen Prenly as the platform for its digital edition. With this partnership, we’re not only helping them to enhance their digital publication, but also offering their readers a seamless and user-friendly experience. This allows their print version to coexist with the digital version, offering readers the choice of how to engage with the content.

This collaboration exemplifies our commitment at Textalk to assisting newspapers in embracing the digital era without compromising their traditional formats. We are excited to work closely with Dagens Industri, and to play a role in their digital transformation journey.

Read Dagens Industri in Prenly

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